The Zoning Board

Zoning Board of Appeals or ZBA, is the Board that hears and decides appeals from the Village’s Building Inspector. The Building Inspector enforces the Zoning Ordinance (often called the “Code”) and the ZBA is where those enforcement decisions may be appealed, or this information is provided in the ZBA application and can be provided as a separate document accessible from the ZBA page.

Other functions of the ZBA include making interpretations of the provisions of the Code, authorizing special use permits, and granting permission for temporary uses. The Zoning Board consists of five members appointed by the Mayor to serve staggered three-year terms.

The ZBA typically meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month, at 7:00 pm at Village Hall.

*Items for consideration by the ZBA must be submitted in advance.*

Meet our Zoning Board

Moses Hopstein

Eliyahu Soloman
Vice Chairman

Simon Deutsch

Sikou Kanoute

Eli Gold

Ann Quattrocchi
Zoning Secretary

Matthew Lizotte, ESQ.
Village Attorney

Samuel Lamb


Zoning and land use maps.

Village of Spring Valley Land Use Map (2008)

Spring Valley Zoning Map   

Forms and applications

Village of Spring Valley Land Use Fees

Village of Spring Valley eCode - Online Zoning Code

Village of Spring Valley eCode360 - Zoning