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The Village Assessor establishes a value on real property so that school, county, town, and special district taxes can be apportioned among the property owners. The Village Assessor reviews recent sales every year, to determine the market values of residential and commercial properties.
Assessor's Clerk Information
200 N Main St
Spring Valley,
Fax: (845) 517-1205
Kristen Padilla
Padilla, Kristen
The Building Department is responsible for the administration of the NYS Building Code, NYS Fire Prevention Code, the NYS Housing Code and the NYS Energy Code, the Planning and Zoning regulations, the Federal Flood Plain Regulations and various other local laws assigned to the Building Inspector for administration and enforcement by the Village Board.
Office Supervisor Information
200 N Main St
Spring Valley,
LaPlante, Dee - Zoning Administrator
Cadet, Johanne - Office Supervisor
McCarey, Adam - Building Department Commissioner
Our Community Development office is the best resource for the residents in the Village of Spring Valley. This office works as a liaison between the residents in the community and the local resources they need. We assist with job referrals, host job fairs and connect people with volunteer opportunities.
Contact Us Information
200 North Main Street
Spring Valley,
Hutchinson, Althea - Grant Specialist
Sharif, Nida - Director of Community Development
Contact Us Information
The judges are assisted by their Chief Clerk Dorothy Casimir and an Associate Court Clerk plus a staff of seven employees. The Justice Court has jurisdiction over a broad range of matters, including vehicle and traffic matters, small claims, evictions, civil matters, and criminal offenses.
Contact Us Information
200 N Main St
Spring Valley,
Fax: (845) 352-2245
Hon. Djinsad Desir, J.J.C.
Casimir, Dorothie - Justice Court Clerk
Contact Us Information
LaPlante, Dee - Zoning Administrator
The Mayor’s vision is clear and He and his Staff are working diligently to achieve his goals. The Mayor welcomes all and makes himself available to his residents and business owners on a daily basis. We ask that you call ahead and make an appointment to see him to avoid scheduling conflicts. Please call the Mayor's Office at 845-352-1100 x 116 to schedule those appointments.
Contact Us Information
200 N Main Street
Spring Valley,
Canario, Raymond - Confidential Assistant to the Mayor/Director of DPW
Mallia, Randi - Legislative Aid
Simon, Alan - Mayor
LaPlante, Dee - Zoning Administrator
The principal responsibility of the Police Department is the protection of life and property within the Village of Spring Valley. This is accomplished through the enforcement of laws and coordination of emergency services provided by other Village departments and outside agencies. Officers are trained in law, emergency first-aid, self-defense, handling firearms, traffic control, crime detection, and other related fields.
Contact Us Information
200 North Main Street
Spring Valley,
Fax: 845-356-7420
Bosworth, Jack - Lieutenant
Oleszczuk, Richard - Chief
Spring Valley’s Public Works Department is comprised of several staff which ultimately provide for the core of the services that residents and taxpayers receive. The staff includes Motor Operators, Maintenance Techs, Custodians, Janitors, Mechanics, Laborers and Groundskeepers; and they are tasks with various construction services, public services which includes parks maintenance, roadway maintenance (milling and paving), basin repair, heavy machinery operation snow removal and Vehicle Maintenance. The DPW staff are well experienced in their respective fields of responsibility and work well as a team.
Supervisor of DPW Information
200 North Main Street
Spring Valley,
Battle, Barry - Supervisor
Canario, Raymond - Confidential Assistant to the Mayor/Director of DPW
LaPlante, Dee - Zoning Administrator
Contact Us Information
200 N Main St
Sparing Valley,
Fax: (845) 425-2967
Nallia Booth
Chykhun, Alina - Housing Program Assistant
Montgomery, Justin - Housing Inspector
Contact Us Information
Markowitz, Mitchell - Village Tax Assessor
The Village Treasurer is head of the department and is an appointed public official, authorized under Village Law to invest and manage all public funds. As Chief Fiscal Officer of the Village of Spring Valley, the Village Treasurer must maintain all financial records, audit all transactions, and report the results of fiscal performance to various regulatory agencies, including the Village Board of Trustees.
Contact Us Information
200 N Main St
Spring Valley,
Dalencourt, Vasthy
Narcisse, Martine - Village Treasurer
The Village Clerk is appointed to a two year term and has custody of all Village records, papers, books and communications, as well as the reports and communications of the Board of Trustees. She attends all meetings of the Board of Trustees, serves as Clerk of the Board, and maintains records of the meetings.
Contact Us Information
200 N Main St
Spring Valley,
Fax: (845) 352-1164
Diana Montgomery
Montgomery, Diana - Village Clerk
Sweet, Olga - Deputy Village Clerk