Office Supervisor
200 N Main St
Spring Valley,

Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm

Building Department

The Building Department will be responsible for the administration of the NYS Building Code, NYS Fire Prevention Code, the NYS Housing Code and the NYS Energy Code, the Planning and Zoning regulations, the Federal Flood Plain Regulations and various other local laws assigned to the Building Inspector for administration and enforcement by the Village Board.

The Building Department will issue and review all types of permits for the Village including building permits, mobile home park permits, junkyard permits, applications for variances, issuance of certificate of occupancy, issue water meters, arrange inspections by water department and highway personnel involving building construction, schedule building construction inspections, receive complaints concerning all areas of code administration, maintain records and collect fees for any operation that require fee collection for permits.

The Building Inspectors review permits for code conformance, inspect new construction, make fire code inspections, housing inspections, inspect for code enforcement problems, prepare reports, and meet with individuals concerning any code matters.

Apply for permits here